The bathroom lends itself to some real opportunities for good, clean, 2-ply fun.
A little bit of baby oatmeal and some green food coloring gave us the chance to get messy! Drew let his artistic side out and had a great time splattering slimy green food all over the kitchen. I'm not sure if this constituted Drew's first home art project, or his first food fight. Either way, he had a blast!
From time to time, cabin fever strikes all of the boys in the house!
The wheels on the bus go round-and-round! Drew loves gathering any toy he can find (his or the dogs' toys) and giving them a ride around the kitchen. This is hours of entertainment!
Unfortunately, the winter months and the great indoors have also meant that Drew's endured his share of sick days. Colds, ear infections, and what seems to be the constant sniffles. So from time to time, we spend a few moments relaxing together, and offering the best medicine of all.
Hope you enjoyed our pictures! But I'm not here to simply brag about all the high points of parenthood (although it does have many rewards!) or about our kid's accomplishments, but to BLOG. So here is the reality: he's a snotty, crawling, spitting-up, giggly, wiggly, silly mess. Drew is still toothless (nope - not a single tooth!) and refuses to try most foods. He (wait for it...) even cries every once in a while and gets upset when we try to confine him to a changing table, pack & play, or carseat. And we definitely have some trying days. But through it all, his imperfections make him perfect to us!
Drew now crawls faster than we can walk, pulls himself up on anything that is stationary (and on occasion, on things that aren't stationary - poor Swasey and Champ), and is learning new things every day! He doesn't seem to be interested in walking on his own, but loves the push-toy at school. Drew cruises up the stairs of our house, and with Dad's assistance, he slides down on his tummy, face first! He regularly says "Mama" and "Dada," and calls just about everything else either "Duck" or "Quack." He calls the dogs "gog gog" and they are pleased to come running when they hear those words - as it likley means he's preparing to share his favorite cheese or piece of fruit. (We are convinced they are conspiring to break into the pantry any day now!)
We have learned infinitely more from Drew than we can ever hope to teach him. He is an absolute gift from God and we count him as our most precious blessings every day. We enjoy each and every moment together. And we cannot believe this - we'll be celebrating his FIRST BIRTHDAY in just over a month! It's amazing how our life has changed in this year.