Friday, September 24, 2010

Summer Lovin'

Time flies when we're having fun! This summer has gone by so quickly, and we have clearly neglected the blog. Apologies! But hopefully, this picture-packed post will make it worth the wait.

Since mid-June, I have been a full-time stay-at-home mom... and what an adventure it's been! Drew and I have really enjoyed our special time together, and it's been incredible sharing so many moments with great friends and family.

Let's hit the rewind button, and take a peek at the Langner Summer!

We took a trip to visit Grandma Zim in Bloomington... and Jeff and Drew were feeling a little lazy in the river.

Drew loved visiting his Great Grandma Zim! After she took us to her water park and playground, and bought ice cream for all of us, Drew was easily won over.

As expected, it's been a summer of "firsts." Take a look at our handsome boy and his first haircut! He got to ride in a car, giving him ample opportunity to make his famous sound effect: "Brbrbrbr... CAH!"
He has started to brush his teeth this summer, too. All FIVE of them! (And sometime in the next couple of months, his sixth tooth may actually fully sprout up!) Notice that he has not yet started brushing his hair. We're working on personal hygiene one step at a time.
One of the first several attempts at eating with a fork may have gone better, had we not given him ravioli. And we don't usually let our kid eat shirtless, but I was running low on stain remover, and this just seemed like a simpler solution.

Summer is all about BBQs, running barefoot through the grass, and singing with the windows down in the car. Well, Drew did not approve of his parents' tunes. Apparently he's up for Simon Cowell's seat on American Idol. (Just wait until we make him listen to hours of Neil Diamond during future road trips!)

Playdate with our friend Maddy! She's one cool chick - she even had trucks to share.

We spent lots of time spent at the park. In fact, I think we've checked out most of the parks in the greater Lake County area. No surprise here - Drew is spotted sitting in the "cah."

And then Nana visited! We toured Lambs Farm in Libertyville, and took a great ride on the train. CHOO CHOO!

I think Sheryl enjoyed time with her favorite boys, as well. (What she didn't know at the time this picture was taken, was that these boys - plus her daughter-in-law - would be her roommates in the near future. She looks so unsuspecting, doesn't she?)

I'm usually behind the camera, but I managed to sneak into a shot! We gathered with my gal pals Alyssa and Jodie, and their beautiful children, for an afternoon of fun. Who would have thought when we were hanging out in the 9th grade, that our kids would one day play together? We've come a long way from Turnabout dates and gym class, girls.

I estimate that approximately 60% of our time is spent outside of our townhouse (still on the market, by the way... any takers?). Drew is obsessed with his, "Mon Mor." I am becoming fluent in Toddler, so I will translate: Lawn Mower. Clearly.

All smiles! The lawn looks great and he feels such a sense of accomplishment. This is training for when we have a yard of our own. We have to keep this enthusiasm going!

And during our time outside, a good portion of it is spent watching the front door of Isabelle and Cate, as our little guy just prays for these neighbors to come outside and play! He adores these beauties - and who can blame him?

What a great day it was when Papa Bruce and Grandma Bev came to visit! Drew adores his Papas, and spent some extra time cuddling with this one.

Drew is smiling because Papa is holding him. Papa is smiling because his grandson already roots for the Indians. Poor kid. He'll learn heartache early.

Such a treat! FOUR grandparents to spoil this little boy - all at the same time. And we were on the boat! Life does not get any better than this.

We also visited with Drew's cousin (well, second cousin, or maybe first cousin once removed... some crazy family tree connection)... ELISE!! We toured the Botanic Gardens on a particularly rainy day at the end of summer. But who cares when Elise's smile lights up the whole place?

MWAH!!! Kisses for Elise.

So that's our summer in review! Please forgive the random order and scattered commentary! That's what happens when I let months go by before updating this space.

What lies ahead for this branch of the Langner family is still being worked out... but it does include a move to Ohio in just one week! I will be starting a new position at Ohio Wesleyan University and Jeff will slowly make a transition to working remotely from Columbus. Thanks for cleaning out your closets, Sheryl... here we come!

We are incredibly anxious to see what God has in store for us next. We know it will include a lot of new adjustments, but some great new friends and reconnecting with family members.

We are so sad to say goodbye to Chicago, though. This is where we were married; where we bought our first home; where we adopted three dogs and said goodbye to one of them; where we welcomed our son; and where we made incredible friends along the way. For me, Chicago will always be home. My sister and her family are here, our church family is here, and amazing memories will always be part of my life in Chicago. Sweet Home, Chicago.