Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Few of Drew's Favorite Things

As our little guy grows older, stronger, more steady with his hands, and more curious, we are quickly learning what he loves! Fortunately, it seems that his parents are on that list. He offers Daddy HUGE smiles when he gets home each night. And Mommy is lucky to get some sloppy-but-too-cute-for-words kisses. (Stay tuned: we're hoping to capture these adorable moments on video to post soon!)

What does Drew love to DO, though?

Play time in the mirror! Drew has also found his feet and spends lots of time grabbing them and pulling them toward him. Toes and mirrors are fascinating!

The excersaucer is such fun - colors, toys, music, oh my! This is helping Drew gain strength in his legs, it builds his core strength, and keeps his attention for up to 10 minutes at a time. We LOVE this toy! (And we LOVE that it was $25 at a garage sale!)

And now - for the REAL fun... FOOD!

We just bought Drew a highchair, so now he's a big boy in a big chair. Here's a look at chow time with the Langners...

Step 1: "Bib is on, Mom! Where's my grub?"

Step 2: Open up - here it comes!

Step 3: Ah! Pure, sweet bliss.

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