Tuesday, November 24, 2009
It was a great time for us to be with good friends after receiving news that members of our family had been in a car accident. We are prayerful for a full recovery for Susan's sister MJ. For our faithful blog followers, please keep the Fanning/Carrier family in your prayers as well.
This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for precious moments together.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Colorado, Croup, and Crawling
Thankfully, we prepared well in advance for the possible cold weather in Denver, and had Drew adequately bundled up! We did NOT, however, prepare for the 5 inches of snow that blanketed the city on our last night there. Imagine our surprise to have to shovel the car out to get back to the airport!
Drew didn't help much with the shoveling, but who could blame him? He found a whole new world of toys inside the house - and his buddy Matthew showed him how to rock out in the exersaucer (complete with a few patented dance moves!)
All in all, it was a great trip to one of our favorite places, and time well spent with some of our closest friends! Many thanks to Kerry, Adam and Matthew for their awesome hospitality, laughs and late nights. Granted, these were not like the late nights we spent together B.C. ("Before Children"); these late nights were spent taking care of sick little boys instead of sipping wine until the wee hours and playing endless games of ping-pong. Swaping stories about diapers, baby-proofing, and bedtime routines is a different kind of bonding entirely.
We're looking forward to the next few weeks - especially Thanksgiving in Ohio with the grandparents where this little mover and shaker can show-off for the family. And we're hopeful that we all get healthy and stay that way for a LONG TIME! After all, there are new corners of this house to explore.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A bee by day and a dinosaur by night, Drew was all set for an exciting Halloween full of Tricks, Treats, and LOTS of candy (at least, Mom and Dad were counting on him coming through with a Snickers Bar or two.) Unfortunately, bed time came long before the door to door fun began. But we still had a great time dressing him up and spending time with the family on his first Halloween!
Drew was a good sport - and got some ideas for next year from his cousins!!
The best part of Halloween weekend (selfishly, for mom and dad) was that it included Drew's first night with babysitters! Drew lucked out and had his Uncle Jim and Aunt Wendy (seasoned grandparents!) babysit him for the evening. All went well, and we are pretty sure fun was had by ALL!
This gave us the chance to sneak off for the night (literally!) and surprise Susan's sister Laura with a party in celebration of her 35th birthday! The biggest surprise came in the form of Susan's mom - who flew all the way from Florida to attend the party and be with us for the weekend!
Drew was QUITE tickled to see his Mimi , and he insisted on showing her his favorite things about going to grandma's house - great views and a show tune on the piano!
Jen and Susan had some quality mother-daugther time over the weekend, too. Yes - those are matching shirts. Nothing says Happy Birthday like seeing your mom and sister wearing matching halloween shirts, right?
The Birthday girl, Aunt Laura, with Drew and Melanie.
After he mastered piano with Mimi, Drew thought he'd try his hand at the drums. Forget the battery-operated toys, and bring out the kitchen bowls! The music and laughter were loud at Aunt Laura & Uncle Dennis' house. And then things got turned upside down as the Burgin cousins taught Drew a little something about Halloween and dress up... the best costumes are homemade.