Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We spent some time this weekend with our friends Jen and Mike. As you may recall, Jen is a talented new business woman, photographer, and owner of Jen Soares Photography! She and her equally talented husband were gracious enough to capture a few moments with our family. Here is just one shot, and you can see more at http://jensoaresphotography.blogspot.com/.

It was a great time for us to be with good friends after receiving news that members of our family had been in a car accident. We are prayerful for a full recovery for Susan's sister MJ. For our faithful blog followers, please keep the Fanning/Carrier family in your prayers as well.

This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for precious moments together.

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of Drew on Jen's site are crazy cute. When did they get so big?
